Another Office Suite that isn't from Micro$oft

ThinkFree Office includes ThinkFree Write 3.0, ThinkFree Calc 3.0 and ThinkFree Show 3.0, all of which read and store their files in Microsoft Office format.
Keep in mind that to run the new version, you'll need to have Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger).
You can download and try ThinkFree 3.0 for 30 days, and buy the full license for only $49.95.
I just stumbled accross your Office post and wanted to add or respectivley as an alternative to the office suites ou there. Best of all, they're FREE! As in air. While NeoOffice offers a version intergrated into the OS X system, the software is available for all major platforms. While the newest version of MS Office will eliminate some of the endless palettes and drop-down boxes to simplify the interface, the free versions look more like an older MS Office version. But getting used to them took very liitle time indeed. Buying a MS Office site license for a small business may be too costly and this may just be a solution.
Absolutely! I've used NeoOffice/J for some time. We posted about it last December.
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